This can be achieved using the MBeanServerConnection API and the correct node and attribute names within the JBoss configuration:
// get an object
MBeanServerConnection mbServerConn = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
// drill down to the 'http' node in the standard-socket-binding-group
ObjectName nameSocket = new ObjectName(",socket-binding=http");
// use the getAttribute()-method of the MBeanServerConnection object
String serverBase = "http://" + mbServerConn.getAttribute(nameSocket, "bound-address") + ":" + mbServerConn.getAttribute(nameSocket, "port")+ "/";
How to find out about the nodes and attribute names? The easiest way to achieve this, is to use the JBoss command line interface
. After you connected to the JBoss instance in question, use the ls
command to find out about the nodes. You can use tab for autocompletion. Once you have found a leave, use the parameter -l
for listing the attribute names:
ls socket-binding-group=standard-sockets
ls socket-binding-group=standard-sockets/socket-binding=http
ls - socket-binding-group=standard-sockets/socket-binding=http
The last command results in
bound true BOOLEAN
bound-address XX.YY.ZZ.WW STRING
bound-port 8080 INT
client-mappings undefined LIST
fixed-port false BOOLEAN
interface undefined STRING
multicast-address undefined STRING
multicast-port undefined INT
name http STRING
port 8080 INT